eBook Beginner Guide

Welcome to E-Sentral`s eBook Beginner Guide! In this guide, we will explain about the product, the standard we use, copyright protection and transferability to other device/reader.

  1. Q What is an eBook?
    A eBook is a book in digital form. With E-Sentral, you can read the eBook in smart phone, tablet, or desktop. The eBook is available in EPUB standard only.
  2. Q Do E-Sentral sell any books in hard copy/physical copy/paperback?
    A No. E-Sentral only supplies electronic book (eBook).
  3. Q Do you sell eBook in PDF/Word format?
    A No. E-Sentral supplies eBook in EPUB standard only.
  4. Q Can I transfer the eBook I acquire from E-Sentral to another third party reader device or app such as Amazon Kindle? Isn`t an EPUB file transferrable to other reader device or app?
    A No. EPUB files in E-Sentral are dedicated to E-Sentral`s reader application only. The application is only available for iOS 8.0, Android 4.0 and Windows 8.1 and above.
  5. Q Why do E-Sentral never ask for my address? When will my books be shipped?
    A E-Sentral provides digital book, which does not require physical shipment. Once your payment has been confirmed, our system will automatically add your eBook to your account.
  6. Q Can I transfer payment (CDM/ATM) to your company`s account? I don`t have any debit/credit card.
    A No, currently we only accept online banking using debit or credit card provided by respective payment gateway.