Make Reinvention Your Superpower

Make Reinvention Your Superpower

RM 56.30




Business & Management

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What got you to where you are today won't prepare you for the changes of tomorrow. Almost without exception, no matter what job you have, what role you serve, what expertise you've developed, what standing you've built within your sphere of influence—there's something in the works that could make it all seem obsolete in a flash. At least, that's how it feels. But just because a particular expertise, job, or skill might not be in demand in a few years doesn't have to mean you, as a person, are not in demand. There are many threats, but it's not the threats themselves that make us vulnerable—it's our inability to respond, be nimble, demonstrate resilience, and reinvent. Most people are not prepared to direct their own reinvention. They've been navigating their careers based on the particular rules of each specific job, rather than on what matters to them. They've stepped into the sand and adapted their ways to the corporate ways. They've forgotten how to have new ideas after being trained that success depends on how well they execute old ideas. They're stuck in career quicksand. This book is for those of you who feel stuck and don't know how to get out of the quicksand, who are worried about an uncertain future, or are young and eager and want to avoid this quicksand from the start. Reinvention is a continuous cycle of discovery plus action: Learn. Unlearn. Relearn. Repeat. In this book, Glenn Llopis shares six skills to navigate your self-directed journey of reinvention. He combines research-based insights with practical tools to help you apply this wisdom to your work and to your life immediately, in your own way. With Glenn's help, you will deconstruct what you've become—how you've adapted yourself in order to achieve in the world as it was. You will learn how to reconstruct who you are—in order to be ready to thrive in a future that's still unclear. You will make reinvention your superpower.