اللغة العربية الأساسية للراشدين المؤلفة قلوبهم في يوغندا | Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyyah Al-Asasiyyah lil Rasyidin Al-Muallifah Qulubihim fi Uganda
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This module is a product of the scientific research conducted to develop an elementary Arabic learning module EALM for Ugandan adults Muallaf UAM using samples of elementary Arabic grammar, morphology, and common Arabic vocabularies CAV. The major goal for this module is to simplify the learning of elementary Arabic for UAM using Arabic grammar, morphology and CAV presented in the manner of (NAQLI & AQLI) integration. It was hypothesized that the CAVs, Arabic derivative morphology ADM, Arabic grammar, and common Arabic language arts are effective variables influencing UAM Arabic acquisition. The random sampling procedures together with the valid and reliable survey questionnaires were applied to collect the data from UAM selected sample. The descriptive and correlational statistics were used to analyze the data. The uniqueness of this Module is manifested by the final evaluation of ELAM data which yielded a significant teachers' and students’ ratings in favor of general EALM quality, the specific EALM content quality, and an overall EALM rating in terms of flexibility, clarity, and suitability for UAM. Thus, the authors strongly recommend UAM to use EALM for both basic Arabic and Islamic traditions.