Climate Chaos, Global Poverty and Capitalism

Climate Chaos, Global Poverty and Capitalism

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Can humanity trust capitalism with its future? This book is a timely contribution to the discussion of whether humanity can depend on capitalism to save it from the climate crisis. In posing an answer, Climate Chaos, Global Poverty and Capitalism, offers a robust analysis of the internal dynamics of capitalism and a pathway forward to mitigate the climate crisis. Increasingly humanity will come into direct conflict with the capitalist system and its inherent need for growth. Capitalists assume business as usual is possible and that technological innovation will solve the crisis. The math of global warming suggests this is an illusion. Climate Chaos argues for reducing and reprioritizing consumption among high consuming nations to allow growth in resource and energy use to end global poverty while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In the decades ahead, the climate crisis and the limits on natural resources will require adopting a steady state global economy so that future generations have resources to sustain today's scientific and technological innovation and thrive on an ecologically stable planet. Climate Chaos also implores climate organizations to confront imperialism and demand shifting military production to alternative energy, mass transit and to finance global development needs. Addressing global warming is impossible without demilitarizing global manufacturing. While capitalism dominates the world's economy today the climate movement should advance a People's Plan A based on socialist principles of economic planning, cooperation and global solidarity as a visionary alternative should capitalism fail to resolve the crisis on its own terms.